General information:

  • ARaction supports “holo videos” (= videos with transparency in AR) in the file format webm with codec VP8 and activated Al
  • The following article explains one possible way to prepare and export holo videos for ARaction (by using Adobe Programs). Of course you can also achieve similare results by using other video editing programs.

Prerequesites & File Export

Recording a video with transparent background:

Coming soon

Preparing the video in AfterEffects:

Coming soon

Installing webm plugin for Adobe:

Close all Adobe Programs.

Visit this page and download the plugin:


[Disclaimer: Also we have made good experiences with this plugin, we can not provide any support or warranty for third party software. Use on your own risk! Thanks to for creating this plugin!]

Install it by executing WebM_Premiere_v1.1.0.msi

Start Adobe Media Encoder: The new file format should now be available.

Rendering the video with correct export settings in Adobe Media Encoder:


Known limitations:

currently none.

Trouble shooting:

coming soon.